
Our Research on Grid Forming applications in a Maltese feeder was published and presented in IEEE ISGT US at New Orleans

Our Research on Grid Forming applications in a Maltese feeder was published and presented in IEEE ISGT US at New Orleans

Our Research on the comparison of frequency support provided by Grid Forming and Grid Following inverters in applications such as PVs and EVs, in a Maltese feeder was published and presented by Dr SOmesh Bhttacharya at New Orleans (US) during the recent IEEE ISGT US. The Thirteenth Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT 2022), sponsoredRead more about Our Research on Grid Forming applications in a Maltese feeder was published and presented in IEEE ISGT US at New Orleans[…]

Our Electric Vehicle Research for Energy Efficiency published in IEEE Access

Our Electric Vehicle Research for Energy Efficiency published in IEEE Access

Our research on Torque Allocation Modelling for Electric Vehicle was recently published Open Access on IEEE Access. The paper proposes a new torque allocation (TA) model emphasizing the wheel load variation due to the passenger occupancy payload. A light-duty vehicle model is developed along with the occupancy payload arrangement and a dynamic tire-road friction estimationRead more about Our Electric Vehicle Research for Energy Efficiency published in IEEE Access[…]

Journal Article Published in IEEE Access

Journal Article Published in IEEE Access

Our research just published Open Access on IEEE Access. The paper investigated the efficacy of an optimised fuzzy logic controller for real-time swing-up control and stabilisation to a rigidly coupled twin-armed inverted pendulum system. The application of this proposed control algorithm may find its way in many personal electric mobility applications. This international collaboration includedRead more about Journal Article Published in IEEE Access[…]

Invitation to submit articles in Special Issue Energies

Invitation to submit articles in Special Issue Energies

Dear Colleagues, We trust you are well and staying safe. As The Guest Editor for the upcoming Special Issue of Energies on the subject of “Future Integration of Photovoltaic Systems”, we are inviting submissions in the area of emerging PV technologies and systems. The last two decades have witnessed dramatic developments in PV technologies and their uptake.Read more about Invitation to submit articles in Special Issue Energies[…]

MCAST Energy researchers present two papers and chair at the MEDPOWER (Mediterranean Conference on Power Generation,  Transmission, Distribution and Energy Conversion) 2020 – Online

MCAST Energy researchers present two papers and chair at the MEDPOWER (Mediterranean Conference on Power Generation, Transmission, Distribution and Energy Conversion) 2020 – Online

Dr Somesh Bhattacharya, Postdoc Research Fellow MCAST Energy Research Group (MCAST Energy) presented the paper entitled: “Augmented fuzzy logic inertial response for hybrid microgrid”. A second paper was presented by Mr Brian Bartolo entitled “Mitigation solutions to high penetration of Photovoltaics and Electric Vehicles integration in Malta”. The papers present novel methodological solutions for highRead more about MCAST Energy researchers present two papers and chair at the MEDPOWER (Mediterranean Conference on Power Generation, Transmission, Distribution and Energy Conversion) 2020 – Online[…]

MCAST Energy paper shortlisted at the 37th EU PVSEC European PV Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition – Online

MCAST Energy paper shortlisted at the 37th EU PVSEC European PV Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition – Online

MCAST Energy Research Group (MCAST Energy) paper entitled: “Are Renewable Credits from Other Countries Worthwhile than PVs in Malta towards the Energy Transition?”. The paper presented by Mr Brian Bartolo discusses the recent 2020 Malta-Estonia Renewable Energy Agreement to address Malta’s Renewable Energy gap in the exchange of 100GWh for €2 million per year. ForRead more about MCAST Energy paper shortlisted at the 37th EU PVSEC European PV Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition – Online[…]